Super awesome update announcement!

We’re really excited to announce the first major update to Parsly since our launch back in February! We have two super exciting things to tell you about.



Sign up; improve your life! Bold claim we know, but it will relieve stress and save time. You can now save your favourite recipes and share the shopping list with friends.


Some people have got in touch and said that they love how we combine and simplify shopping lists, but they still want to shop themselves. We love these people, and we love their enthusiasm to cook delicious meals for themselves, their friends and their families. So we’re introducing shopping lists…

Simply stick in as many recipes as you like, as well as your normal weekly shop or anything else you fancy. We’ll combine this whole list into a single simplified shopping list, which you can then send straight to your phone, easy as pie. If you want, you can of course still buy as much or as little as you want online, in just a couple of clicks.

What have you been up to?

You mean, apart from making this awesome update? It’s been a great few months, and a lot of cool stuff has happened:

…and more!

Shameless request for feedback and suggestions…

Above all, we absolutely love talking with you all, from keen cooks to busy, time-strapped young professionals. If you have any suggestions or simply fancy a chat about anything food/tech, send me an email at:

Fancy coffee? We love coffee! If you’d like to meet for a chat over one, and you’re in London or Southampton, then send me an email saying so!


Parsly Co-Founder


Now read this

Valentine’s Recipes

Hi, welcome to our blog for ! To get everyone started (and in the mood!), we’ve found some recipes that suit this time of the year… Give any of these courses a try this Friday and treat yourself as much as your loved... Continue →